Leaving a review means helping other people making a decision!
It’s very important to leave reviews no matter if the experience was good or bad. Share your knowledge and help other people to make a decision.
Why Your Review Matters
People leave reviews for everything – even for tiny, sometimes almost unimportant things like straws or an eraser. So, why not also leaving reviews for buyers? It’s even more important as stuff bought online can be usually returned for free without any hassle.
But once you agreed to sell your jewelry, a watch or diamonds the deal is done and you have no right to claim your sold items back – even when it turns out that you agreed to a bad deal. And this is why reviewing buyers is extremely important. Share your experience and especially, share how much money they paid for your items.
Your review matters! Your review is helping people picking a buyer offering a fair price for your property.
Leave reviews! Read reviews! It is so important!
How To Write A Buyer Review?
Of course, mentioning how a buyer treated you is important and of course mentioning if the store appeared clean and trustworthy is helpful BUT the most important thing is writing about how much money they offered you. Write in detail about the items you offered and how they evaluated your merchandise. Ask for information about your property and make notes. Share this knowledge in details because it’s all about money and not about getting a free coffee.